Peer reviewed
Van Osch, E. & Smith, S. (2024) Book Chapter ‘Reflexive ethnography in intimate spaces: motherhood and care work in and outside of the field’. In Proctor, C. & Spector, B. (eds.) The New Ethnographer: Doing fieldwork that is safer, healthier and more ethical. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Albin-Clark, J., Ovington, J.A., Isom, P., Platt, L., Harding, L., Carley, F., Elwell, A., Pilson, A., Marshall C.E. & Smith, S.L. (2023) Locking and Unlocking: The Potentialities for Intra-Storying-Activism in ‘this’ Baglady Collective. Journal of Posthumanism, 3, (3), 251–268.
Taylor, C.A., Albin-Clark, J., Broadhurst Healey, K., Hogarth, H., Lewis, Z., Pihkala, S., Smith, S.L., Cranham, J. & Latto, L. (2023) What do doors do? Door storyings, matterings, adventurings and commonings. Qualitative Inquiry.
Smith, S. (2023) ‘COVID-19 Exposing the Fault-Lines of Inclusion: The ‘Risk’ and ‘Vulnerability’ of Disabled Children in the UK’ Chapter 2. In: Proyer, M., Veck, W., Dovigo, F. & Seitinger, E. (eds.) Education in an Altered World: Pandemic, Crises and Young People Vulnerable to Educational Exclusion. Bloomsbury Press.
Latto, L., Ovington, J. A., Hawxwell, L. and Albin-Clarke, J., Isom, P., Smith, S., Ellis, S., Fletcher-Saxon, J. (2022). ‘Diffracting bag lady stories and kinship: Cartogra-ph-ying and making-with others in more-than-human affirmative spaces’. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry. Available:
Hellawell, B., Smith, S. & Wharton, J. (2022) ‘What was required above all else was collaboration’: keeping the momentum for SEND partnership working in the wake of Covid-19 British Journal of Special Education. Available:
Smith, S. & Smith, K. (2021) ‘Down syndrome as Pure Simulacrum’ Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 15, (3), 287–305. Available here:
Harrison, R., Bradshaw, J., Forrester-Jones, R., McCarthy, M. & Smith, S. (2021) Social networks and people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Available online
Spencer, S. & Smith, S. (2020) ‘Women Professors and Deans: Access, Opportunity, and Networks’ In: Fitzgerald, T. (ed.) Handbook of Historical Studies in Education, p795-811. Available online:
Other publications/articles
Smith, S. (2024) Parents are not to blame. Byline Times. 31 July 2024.
O’Reilly, T, Smith, S.L. & Wong, W. (2024) (M)othering and the PhD: Re-imagining researchers as entangled multiplicities. BERA blog.
Smith, S.L., Joy, N.P. & Barnes, J.K. (2024) Crafting inclusive research approaches. BERA blog. Available online:
Isom, P., Marshall, C. & Smith, S.L. (2023) Introducing the #baglady methodology. BERA blog. Available online:
Smith, S. (2023) SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan: Right Kind of Pupil, Right Place, Right Price. Inclusion Now 66. Available online:
Smith, S. (2023) Uncovering the origin of the evil EHCP ‘Golden Ticket’ Narrative. Special Needs Jungle. Available online:
Albin-Clark, J., Blake, M., Carley, F., Elwell, A., Fletcher-Saxon, J., Harding, L., Hawxwell, L., Isom, P., Latto, L., Marshall, C., Nicoll Antipas, P., Ovington, J., Pilson, A., Platt, L., Righetti, J., & Smith, S. (2023). WTF does that mean? Kicking the habit of exclusionary writing and high theory junkiedom. Journal of Imaginary Research, 8, 24-25.
Smith, S. (2022) A Conversation with Parents of Disabled Children. Inclusion Now 63. Available online:
Smith, S. (2022) How experiences as a research participant inspired an explicit commitment to parents taking part in a doctoral research inquiry. BERA blog. Available online:
Smith, S. (2022) Overview of parental partnership: assumptions, changes over time and consequences. In: Rethinking parental partnership for pupils with SEN and disabilities in the current school context, SEN Policy Research Forum. June 2022, p7-16. Available:
Smith, S. (2021) Contribution to SEN Policy Research Forum Paper Learning from the Covid crisis for educating children and young people with SEN/disabilities. March 2021, p14-20. Available:
Smith, S. (2020) Book review ‘Feeling Academic in the Neoliberal University’ Network (Magazine of the British Sociological Association), Autumn 2020. Available online (password BSA_review)
Smith, S. (2020) ‘Book review: Forms of education: Rethinking educational experience against and outside the humanist legacy’. British Journal of Educational Studies. Available online:
Smith, S. (2020) ‘An Ethical Responsibility’. In: Goodley, D., Runswick-Cole, K. & Liddiard, K. (eds.) Interventions in Disabled Childhood Studies. Sheffield: iHuman Press. Available online: Disabled children’s childhood studies